Following the successful use of SIPs panels on the Green Man hub project for Phoenix Community Housing and the headquarters extension for VolkerWessels attention is turning to see if these systems can be successfully used in the residential sector.
Three projects have recently been consented in Rickmansworth that use a repeatable two bedroom model on each site to deliver 18 new homes. A modular or SIPs panel solution formed part of the thinking at feasibility stage to overcome the narrow garage site accesses and minimise disturbance to neighbours; the repeatable pattern offering the opportunity for a factory produced product to be economically viable.
Tender feedback is indicating that traditional solutions are still delivering greatest value overall with good levels of air tightness and thermal mass being delivered in brick and block construction.
A new office for the same client is progressing using MMC, demonstrating a commitment to this dorm of construction, however the economic realities of social housing are affecting its use in that sector.