The architecture reflects our client’s needs, finding solutions to their problems. It evolves from their brief, an analysis of the site and a design philosophy based on simple sustainable principles. Brought together through a holistic architectural response that benefits our clients and their building users.
Recurring themes are threaded through our work with sustainable ideas adopted across a mix of different sectors. Issues such as the provision of good quality daylight is as important in the deep plan Green Man community hub designed for Phoenix, as it is in the dual aspect social housing we are delivering for Watford Community Housing. The adoption of simple well tested design principles shapes this focus on wellbeing.
A selection of our work is presented illustrating a series of recurring ideas; whether enabling social interaction, reducing energy consumption or adoption of intelligent construction systems. It encompasses housing and office schemes, civic and cultural buildings and community spaces through to retail centres.
Collaborating with specialist consultants and suppliers enabled Black to provide a full design service to our clients. These relationships have developed successfully across our projects adding value to the buildings we are commissioned to design. These consultants are inquisitive and challenge our thinking, generating better design solutions.
We respond to the challenge of complex sites, seeking to get more out of less on each project through innovative design solutions. Our portfolio shows that good architectural ideas are transferable, so please take a look and get in touch to see how we can respond to your specific needs.